The Bishop fretted, "It feels colder than predicted. I don't think I brought the proper gear. I'm going to freeze before we make the mountain pass."
"We have a day before we head for the pass, and we can try to find you what you need here on the coast, " The Lizard reminded. "In the meantime, perhaps you still just need to get acclimated to the change we underwent crossing the space-time barrier?"
The Bishop didn't seem convinced. He was grumpier than ever.

I had to admit that even I was not feeling myself after passing across The Time Change Barrier. In fact, I think I was beginning to hallucinate. The walls of the lodging we had aquired appeared to be covered with disrobed women.
Unlike The Bishop, however, I wasn't complaining...
Wow. Aggressively ... disrobe-y.
Awesome! Keep the updates coming. How about a NSFW label next time?
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